Q & A with Media Coordinator Elias Avalos

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Where are you from? 
Lima, Peru

How long have you been in NY?
I have been living in New York for 12 years.

What is your passion?
My passion is TV production and musical theatre. These are the two things that I have always admired and always wanted to be a part of.

What is your dream job?
I have a couple of options that would make me happy. Directing for TV, either primetime shows or big events are big interests of mine. However, being onstage is something I have always wanted to do. Yes, I lack some training, but it’s never too late to start.

How did you hear about RL?
I heard of RL years ago by watching one of the first videos on the YouTube channel. I was in love with the show In The Heights, so I would look for more information about it online until I stumbled upon Lin Manuel Miranda’s interview with Luis Salgado. I didn’t think much of it back then, I thought it was a nice thing that was being done but I wasn’t aware of all the other things that RL was doing.

What made you decide to get involved in RL?
I interviewed Luis for a mini profile I had to do for school. I wanted to interview someone involved in dance and a friend of mine, who is a journalist, recommended that I contact Luis. I wasn’t aware of who he was until I saw his picture and thought to myself “That’s the dancer from In the Heights! I have to talk to him!” I was amazed with the easy-going, dedicated person he portrayed. I presented the piece to my class and they all liked it, I sent it to Luis so he could check it out. Luis loved it and asked me if I would be a part of RL in the media department. I thought it was a great opportunity to be on board.
Link to Interview http://youtu.be/TCuTi67wesU

How long have you been working with RL?
I have been working with RL for the last year and a half.

Through your work and videos of RL have you been inspired and/or empowered? Why and How?
I have been inspired since the beginning by everything that RL stands for. Dare to go Beyond applies to every little thing one does. The family RL creates through its work is amazing as well as the love each volunteer has for every one the programs that RL offers. It’s amazing to witness.

Has your work with RL impacted your professional/artistic life?
Yes, it has allowed me to be creative in my own way and I feel more confident of what I am capable of. At first being in charge of the videos at RL was scary but now I see that I can totally take care of it. Especially now, after producing and directing the video production for Amigo Duende, and now the BWS documentary, Dare to go beyond!

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]How do you feel your work makes an impact on the Latino community and/or the artistic community?
My work helps people see what RL is all about, providing an eye to the heart of RL. My work not only tells the stories of the organization, but also the students, teachers and volunteers that are involved.

Tell us about your new BWS Special Project:
The BWS Special will show what happened during the BWS this year. It was an important year as it brought people from Peru and Colombia. I want to show how much passion all of the students have to learn as well as some of the struggles they go through. But most of all I want to show why the organization and the instructors want these young artists to succeed.

Your Message for our readers:
Support RL! Be a part of one of the programs and you’ll know why.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]


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