My name is Paulina Molgora and I am writing from Mexico City. I´m 17 years old and have a heart full of love and passion for art, especially for musical theatre. I was born and grew up in Mexico City. I´m super Chilanga (Chilang@ is a person born in Mexico City), a lover of my culture and the roots that form me. My mother’s family is from Italy. The name Molgora comes from a Lombard river that crosses several provinces of the country, including Lecco, Milan and Monza. My dad´s family is from the state of Puebla (super mixed, I know) and my grandma cooks one of the best ‘moles poblanos’ I have ever tasted. And for those who wonder: Pau, what is mole? Mole is a chicken dish with a DELICIOUS spicy sauce. If you ever come to Mexico. ! You MUST try the mole!
And well, since I was a little girl I have always wanted to do this. My family tells me that since I was 4 years old they knew that I was good at ‘la artisteada’ (that I had love for arts in my blood); they tell me that I loved to dance for them and give them concerts as if I were a superstar. I would get up on the tables, dress up in my mom’s clothes and love to act out scenes from the tv shows I loved the most. For those from Latin America, you can remember ‘RBD and Atrévete a Soñar’ hahaha ICONIC. They made me love fsinging, dancing and acting a little bit more.
I also remember when many well-known acting schools started to advertise on TV, I begged my parents to in signed me up there but I never got the chance to go in because of different circumstances.
And OMG, I can still remember the first time they took me to see a musical:Grease. It was magical, really. When I was 11 years old I reiterated how much I wanted to do what they were doing. Now I didn’t want to dance and sing on the tables like I did when I was 4 years old, I wanted to be up there on stage. It wasn’t until two years ago that I had the opportunity to study at a musical theatre school which is now my second family ¡Callback Studio has taught me so much! It has taught me to trust myself and say ‘you have this role because it will teach you something, give your best’, the companionship that must be lived in the process of creation, rehearsal and presentation, but above all PASSION AND LOVE.
I think the arts are not an easy ”environment”. There’s a lot of competition, envy, hypocrisy. . . things that hurt us if we don’t have an identity. Opening my heart, I suffered from eating desorders shortly before I came to study at Callback Studio; I compared myself a lot, I felt there was something wrong with me. I didn’t love myself and I didn’t feel capable of doing things, even in what was supposed to be ‘good’ at them. THAT’S NOT TRUE! Today I want to tell you that it is normal to hear those voices in your head that want to lie to you, but you must know the truth, feel worthy, give yourself the enormous value you have.
I don’t know you. I don’t know who’s behind the screen reading a little bit of my story, but if there’s no one to tell you how amazing you are just because you’re you, I’ll do it!
We Artists are VERY brave, because our main working tool is not a scalpel or a spanner , it´s our heart. We artists have the ability to raise awareness with the public, to express emotions, to represent. . . THAT MAKES YOU SO BRAVE
YOU’RE TALENTED. Everyone in this world has been created with talent, without exception. There are a variety of talents you can’t imagine, and you know what? The most incredible thing of all is that NO ONE can do it the way you do it. Even when the girl who is the main role of all the plays in your school reached all the notes and you are dying to have her voice, she cannot sing, act or dance like you, it´s impossible. We all have our touch, something that makes the way we make art unique and that is what makes us special. To be honest and to be us without pretending
And don’t fight with your body either, with your skin color, your hair, your eyes. . . Those characteristics make you special among everyone, different. And we wanted to see this word as something bad when it’s not. What’s different stands out and not in an bad sense, it stands out because it’s unique, because it goes against the current, because it’s not common! AND NO ONE IN THIS WORLD IS COMMON! Cause I can’t find you twice in different people, there’s only one YOU on this earth and that’s super cool! We are all different, unique and created to perfection by God.
I have been so blessed throughout my life by him and I am so happy for all that he has allowed me to see, know and learn from him. For allowing me to enter Rev. Latina, for all the experiences and things that I have learned; for the people I have met but above all, for his immense love for me and for everyone. I am very grateful for everything in my life (including being able to tell you a little about who I am today) and I believe that ”we have been created to bring color to our cities, often full of cement and without a soul. TOGETHER. To develop our talents in order to contribute to a conversion of the world, which recognizes the eminent dignity of every person, his or her particular value, creativity and capacity to promote the common good.
”May your search for beauty in everything you believe in be animated by the desire to serve in the beauty of the quality of people’s lives, of their harmony with the environment, of meeting and helping each other”. -P. Francisco
Let us promote a culture of encounter. Let us build bridges between people in a world where so many walls are built.