Luis Miranda


Luis A. Miranda, Jr. has served in three New York City mayoral administrations. A special advisor for Hispanic Affairs to former Mayor Edward I. Koch, Mr. Miranda served as director of the Mayor’s Office for Hispanic Affairs from 1984 to 1987. He was director of field services and research at the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering and held managerial positions at the Community Service Society, the NYC Department of Employment, the NYC Board of Education, and Aspira of New York.

In addition to his public service, Mr. Miranda has consulted on a number of successful political campaigns. Mr. Miranda worked to elect Kirsten Gillibrand, Hilary Rodham Clinton and Charles Schumer to the U.S. Senate, was part of the lead consulting team on the 2001, 2005 and 2009 of Fernando Ferrer and Bill Thompson’s mayoralty campaigns, and served as lead consultant to many candidates to the New York City Council and the New York State Legislature.

Mr. Miranda is the founder and former president of the Hispanic Federation, a membership organization of health and social service agencies dedicated to address human services and health needs of the Hispanic community. He served as chair of the New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation from 1993 to 1995.

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