Hanley Smith

Adult Educational Programs Coordinator

I first came to RL as a Beyond Workshop Series (BWS) student in 2010. I fell in love with the organization and with daring to go beyond, and the next thing I knew, I was coordinating the very program that brought me to the familia in the first place! Since then, Matt Steffens and I have partnered to create the BWS+, which provides continuing educational and community opportunities to adult artists throughout the entire year. In addition to my work with RL, I am also a professional actor-singer and educator and have worked all over the country. Some favorite roles include: Maria in THE SOUND OF MUSIC, Heidi in WHAT THE CONSTITUTION MEANS TO ME, Cathy in THE LAST FIVE YEARS, Vanda in VENUS IN FUR, Laura in THE GLASS MENAGERIE, Mrs. Givings in IN THE NEXT ROOM, Fantine in LES MIS, and Luisa in THE FANTASTICKS. I am also a proud member of the folk trio A Band Called Honalee and a producer of the comedy troupe A Drinking Game NYC. I originally hail from Alpharetta, GA and received my BA in both Theatre and English from Davidson College. When not performing, teaching or coordinating programs, I can be found hiking in nature, listening to history podcasts and/or eating too many dill pickles. I am deeply grateful to everyone at RL for inspiring me daily to be the change I wish to see in the world through art and community.

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