Maria Peyramaure: Acting,Healing,Inspiring

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2305″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”2306″ img_size=”full”][vc_single_image image=”2308″ img_size=”full”][vc_single_image image=”2307″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Let me start this by wishing you all a very very happy Tony’s weekend! That being said, I want to introduce you to our this month’s hero: a woman whose life has been entirely dedicated to Theatre, and not only that, but someone who uses Theatre to heal , help and make people happier. This person is a good friend of mine and her name is María Peyramaure and a huge part of R.Evolución Latina.

Our story begins in Griffin Georgia when an 18 year old María, finishes high school and with no hesitation at all goes to Berry College as a Theatre major, which includes one year studying abroad in London. Once finished with school, she worked as an actor for good 5 years and as “Working as an actor” implies, she had every kind of jobs: big jobs, small jobs, medium jobs, polka-dotted and multicolored jobs. For example, she did small things like a voice over here, and a commercial there, and huge things like working with important companies such as Alliance Theatre Company, Theatre in the Square and Geogia’s Shakespeare Festival. One of the wonderful jobs is one that would be the constant in her life till now: Being a clown-doctor. Super Interesting, right? More of that, later.

5 years have passed since she started her career as an actress and even though her mom was a great roommate, she finally decides to move out of her hometown to the Big City where she has built up her wonderful life. She works fully as an actor which gives her the delight of doing what she loves for a living, she got married and she kept her job as a clown doctor. This job has meant everything to Maria, since it is the one that she has kept all the time. She has the fantastic opportunity to heal people with her work. She amuses, empowers and nurtures the patients with her performance, inspiring their souls, healing their bodies and along the way she gets inspired by THEM. This is how Maria is the perfect Example of the Circle Effect.

In 2012 María enrolled in the vocal ensemble for the Beyond Workshop Series (where she happened to meet this one who’s writing). She loves singing as a clown but she doesn’t think of herself as a singer, so it was a great opportunity to Dare to go Beyond and try something she really wanted to do but had never tried. After that she fell in love with RL’s Philosophy and she’s being a volunteer ever since. “It is very easy to live in an “artist bubble” in which you only think of how can you be better and work only for yourself, but a true artist, works not only for that but for helping others in any way they can”.

Besides her job in the circus, Maria has worked a lot in Theatre plays (Mostly the classics) and she is a member of AENY (Actores Españoles en Nueva York) where she recently did the show Wonderful Days.


• She loves riding bicycles.

• Her favorite movies include: Captain Phillips, Red Violin, and Crash. She couldn’t actually pick a favorite.

• She met her husband as she was working as an assistant in a tour for Big Apple Circus.

Well folks! All for now! Hope you have liked this moving story and wait for upcoming surprises!![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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